Everybody struggles to meet a certain goal, but what matters is what they do to reach it. Even Steve Jobs said, "I hire lazy people for my company, because when I tell them to do something, they always find an easier way to do it."
There are so many ways to apply this philosophy in life. By working smarter, we save ourselves from a load of stress, fatigue, and sweat. You might be working hard, but you may not be productive. Why transfer a load of pebbles by hand when you have a shovel? Why carry a box when you can put it in a trolley?
One example for this philosophy is in martial arts. You may strike your opponent hard in random parts of his body, but you may inflict more damage by hitting his vital points. A punch to the jaw is way better than five kicks to the arms. Always remember that.
Look at this turtle here. Instead of getting its limbs tired from carrying his shell, it uses a skateboard, instead. Saving him from a whole lot of fatigue. We, humans, may also do the same with our lives, we just have to use our head. Brain triumphs over brawn.